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The best elearning podcasts to listen to right now

3 minute read

Marcus Markovic, Content & Brand Lead at Elucidat
By Marcus Markovic

Head of Content and Brand


Want to know the best elearning podcasts to listen to? Stay on top of the latest trends, advice and best practice from top learning professionals and gain fresh inspiration for your elearning projects. Here’s a breakdown of the top elearning podcasts to start listening to right now…

Listen to the top elearning podcasts

Top 10 elearning podcasts

1.  The Learning at Large Podcast

Our elearning podcast explores the challenges and triumphs of delivering people-centered learning at scale, with global leaders. Join our host, Kirstie Greany, in uncovering the strategies being implemented in the world’s most successful organizations to deliver transformative large-scale learning experiences

With over 30 podcast episodes, discover the challenges and innovations facing L&D and how we can ensure success for the future.

Listen to the Learning at Large podcast now

Learning at large Elearning podcast

2. Rod’s Pulse Podcasts

Rod’s Pulse elearning podcast is great for anyone who is interested in learning about the latest elearning technologies. Rodney B. Murray currently has produced over 200 podcast episodes, interviewing a wide variety of experts including Narine Hall – Founder & CEO of InSpace, Adam Geller – Founder & CEO of Edthena, and Dan Avida – CEO & Co-Founder of Engageli. 

Check out Rod’s Pulse Podcasts here

Rod pulse Elearning podcasts

3. The eLearning Coach

With over 70 episodes, Connie Malamed hosts The eLearning Coach which covers topics from social media learning, to instructional design, to visual communication. Connie shares new ideas and actionable tips for success with creating the best learning experiences. 

Interested in hearing more? Check out the latest podcast episodes

Elearning coach podcast

4. The Online Course Coach

Jeff Long has created The Online Course Coach elearning podcast to provide insights and recommendations on how to best teach online, specializing in video-based online courses

With guest speakers spanning across several industries, listeners can benefit from learning about Learning Management Systems (LMS), how to market your online course, and website creation.

With over 50 episodes to get your teeth into, start listening now

online course coach Elearning podcasts

5. Trends and Issues

This elearning podcast keeps the listener up-to-date with the latest trends and issues in instructional design, educational technology, and learning sciences. Every fortnight, Dr. Abbie Brown and Dr. Tim Green – professors of instructional design and educational technology, share their observations through this great podcast.

Catch up on podcast episodes right here

Trends and issues Elearning podcasts

6. Scenario Secrets 

The Scenario Secrets podcast, hosted by Anna Sabramowicz, explores practical strategies on how to design your own award-winning scenarios, work with subject matter experts, leverage engagement strategies, and so much more. 

With 100 episodes so far, this is one of the great elearning podcasts that dives deep into exactly how to create the best elearning content.

Get stuck into the Scenario Secrets podcast now

Scenario secrets Elearning podcasts

7. The DIY Narrator

The DIY Narrator is the perfect podcast for instructional designers who narrate elearning. This podcast provides over 30 insightful listens into the world of elearning narration to truly engage your learners. Discover exactly how to connect your learner to the message and intent of your e-learning project. 

Start to explore how to improve your narration skills for delivering the best elearning content by listening to the podcast here

DIY Narrator Elearning podcasts

8. Instructional designers in offices drinking coffee

Join Brent Schlenker and Chris Van Wingerden every Wednesday in their elearning podcast Instructional Designers in Offices Drinking Coffee. With over 150 episodes to listen to, this podcast covers topics including corporate training success, storytelling, gamification, and microlearning

Listen to this IDIODC podcast here

Dominknow Elearning podcasts

9. The Mind Tools L&D podcast

The Mind Tools L&D podcast is hosted by design expert Ross Garner who has created over 160 episodes all about elearning, development and human resources. With a weekly guest appearance, you will gain critical insights into the issues facing L&D.

Want to discover more about topics including agile training and gamification? Check out the Mind Tools L&D podcast here

Mind tools Elearning podcasts

10. Kineo’s stream of thought

Hosted by the Kineo team, the Kineo’s stream of thought podcast shares their creative ideas with the L&D community about all things elearning, LMSs and beyond. Be inspired by their latest thinking and thoughts from the elearning professionals.

Listen now to their 25 podcast episodes here 

Kineo Elearning podcasts

So what now?

Ready to dive into an elearning podcast? Start learning as you listen with our Learning at Large Podcast or get the best tips from our Design Tip Tuesday newsletter!

Written by Marcus Markovic

Marcus plays a pivotal role in connecting Elucidat's cutting-edge content and our brand with a global audience. He specializes in distilling complex ideas into engaging, accessible content that drives forward the mission of making elearning universally accessible.

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