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Showcases in Scenarios

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Scenario-based assessment (rapid authoring)

Rapid authoring

A scored assessment which encourages learners to apply soft skills through a series of scenario-based questions. The assessment uses a single page scrolling format with a mix of question types. A final section updates with live results as questions are answered. Created using Elucidat’s rapid authoring experience.

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Simple branching scenario

Scenarios Giftable

A simple, impactful way to build branching into your design. After making a decision in a scenario question, learners see the consequences of their right or wrong choice. They are then put back on the right path to continue the story and make their next decision.

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Complex product training


In this easy to digest ‘deep dive’ learners get to know a financial product by exploring key facts, processes and common customer scenarios. Created using an Elucidat template

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Case study with polls

Social Polling

An interactive case study where learners make their own judgments about a situation, then compare their judgment with their colleagues and an ideal answer. Created using an Elucidat template

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In-depth learning: Product range

Scrolling pages

A set of focused product pages, comparisons and a test activity designed to get your learners up to speed with a new range of products.   Created using an Elucidat template

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Branching scenario: Compliance or people skills


A branching scenario where a story unfolds, learners decide what to do, then see different outcomes depending on their decision. Great for making compliance or people skills interactive. Created using an Elucidat template

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Case study: Process


An interactive case study where learners see a process situation unfold and answer questions about what should happen next. Choose whether to make it a test or not. Created using an Elucidat template

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Case study: Product sales


An interactive case study where learners are challenged to match the right product to a particular customer. Choose whether to make it a test or not. Created using an Elucidat template

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Scenario-based policy training

Scenarios Giftable

A non-linear design that brings a Code of Conduct policy to life through bitesize scenario challenges. Learners are rewarded with badges for successful decision-making - can they gain enough to reach champion level?

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Personalized action plan and scenario


A personalized experience that asks learners to reflect on their delegation style before offering up a tailored action plan. It includes a scenario with social polls provides an opportunity to put new techniques into practice and makes use of rules and clips to personalize the experience.

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Branching scenario: Process


A branching scenario where a story unfolds, learners decide what to do, then see different outcomes depending on their decision. Great for making process training interactive. Created using an Elucidat template

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Scenario based learning at scale

Scenarios Giftable

See how small-scale tweaks can make big impact when you're personalizing for staff in different environments. This first-person, investigative scenario demonstrates one way of tackling nuanced topics like discrimination in the workplace.

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Multi-language: Adaptive compliance pretest

Translation Giftable

A personalized ‘test-out’ approach to annual compliance training. This example uses a quiz to assess gaps and serves up relevant, short learning topics where needed. Those who pass need not continue. Elucidat’s multi-language export features have been used to cater for a global audience.

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Case study with polls: Compliance

Social Polling

An interactive case study where learners see a compliance situation in practice and decide what they think is OK and not OK. After they decide, they can see how their colleagues answered. Created using an Elucidat template

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Gamified scenario

Scenarios Giftable

An audio-driven, first-person scenario that helps sales staff learn by practicing in a simulated environment. A great example of how 'grown-up games' can be effective learning tools. Includes use of audio players, branching, points and timers.

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Interactive storytelling

Scenarios Giftable

This example shows the power of storytelling for learning. This subtly interactive, longer-form story uses music clips and imagery to help immerse users, and spark their imagination.

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Product knowledge training

Scrolling pages Giftable

A training module for a new product range that incorporates knowledge checks and customer scenarios to embed product knowledge.

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Behavior change with social learning

Scenarios Giftable

Is it really a big deal? This course asks learners to judge real situations and uses social polls to compare their views with others. An effective and memorable way of encouraging compliant behaviors using Likert questions, social polls and points.

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